
Rose Béton | Toulouse

2016-08-11T15:13:26+01:00June 11th, 2016|

From the month of June, a great festival is happening in Toulouse (FR) : Rose Béton, curated by the 50cinq together with the city of Toulouse. It is an immense pleasure to be invited as an artist, and i'll be delight to paint a mural in the city where i was born, raised, and where i started [...]

Barcelona Wall | Video

2016-06-24T06:22:41+01:00June 9th, 2016|

Here is the video by Caitlin O'Rorke, who followed my process while i was painting a wall in Barcelona for FemRimes FemGraff last month. The video was launched at Guzzo Bar last week, part of a lovely event where amazing people showed up ! Thanks to all for the support ! Miss Van Barcelona 2016 [...]

Detroit – Mural

2016-01-08T12:56:44+01:00September 30th, 2015|

Arrived in Detroit, i was super excited to be part of the festival 'Murals In The Market'. Amazing city, full of inspiration, and so many talented artists together for this incredible event. May thanks to 1xRun for the invitation and the organization. And special tanks to all of you who came by to show some support !

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