Last month i had the pleasure to be part of the festival ‘FemRimes FemGraff’ in my hometown Barcelona. Organized by Boca Nord and curated by Open Walls, the festival invited me to paint a mural inspired by the poem ‘De la mujer que no ha perdido su instinto’ by Alba Cendra Mallén.
Finally i had the opportunity to paint a huge official mural in the city i’ve been living for 11 years. It’s been really exciting to be painting at home, to meet people from the neighborhood and some of you coming by to show love and support.
It was a great challenge to sketch that big, and i enjoyed improvising the colors and let me inspired by the atmosphere of the area. I felt touched by the positive feedback of the old people passing by, and the nice words i got during the process. I’m grateful and it means a lot to give this wall to my city.
I am glad to share with you some pictures of the process.
Many thanks to Boca Nord and Open Walls who maid it possible, to all my friends who stopped by, to each one of you for bringing good vibes and to my great friend Julie Morize for the photos !
Direction of the mural :
Carrer de Lepant, 409
08025 Barcelona
Pictures by Julie Morize
FemRimes FemGraff és un concurs de micropoemes i art mural. Té com a objectiu fomentar la creativitat literària i artística al voltant de la condició femenina basada en la igualtat de gènere.
Els micropoemes seleccionats han estat reinterpretadess i pintats per 12 artistes murals i graffiteres en diferents espais públics del Districte d’Horta-Guinardó. El resultat final és una galeria artística i poètica a l’espai públic dels vostres barris.