
Detroit – Mural

2016-01-08T12:56:44+01:00September 30th, 2015|

Arrived in Detroit, i was super excited to be part of the festival 'Murals In The Market'. Amazing city, full of inspiration, and so many talented artists together for this incredible event. May thanks to 1xRun for the invitation and the organization. And special tanks to all of you who came by to show some support !

Bien Bonitas de Paris

2014-06-30T18:38:35+01:00June 30th, 2014|

And 3 days later... 3 days of hard work, smiles, fun, inner fights, encounters, rain... So much happiness painting the mythical M.U.R of Oberkampf, Paris !! The wall will stay visible only until july 12th, so visit and enjoy it now !               Thanks to 107, rue Oberkampf - Paris, France  

O Gigante Acordou | Toulouse

2014-06-01T15:22:23+01:00May 31st, 2014|

Back in my hometown Toulouse after many years, Ciro Schu and i painted this mural for Mister Freeze group show. Big thanks to Tilt & Reso for inviting us & to the team for welcoming us warmly. Toulouse (FR), May 2014 Mister Freeze “Nite & Day” Collective Show May 23rd – June 1st 2014 Le 50cinq [...]